Training Plan Update – Final 9 Weeks

It’s the beginning of November and I just completed week 9 of 18 in my training plan. I am half-way there (que Bon Jovi).  In week 8, I completed back-to-back runs of 10 and 20 miles.  The 20 miler was not pretty, but I completed it bringing the total mileage for week 8 to 40 miles.  Week 9 was a recovery week with a total of 22 miles.

Back in the first few weeks of my plan, I shifted my schedule one week earlier starting in week 2 to sync up with the Badgerland Striders Buildup program. I have remained one week ahead through week 9.  After a difficult 20-miler in week 8, I am allowing myself two recovery weeks (22 miles total each week).  This will shift me back to the original plan I created in August.  I do feel beat up and generally fatigued.  I need to let my body heal before I begin the final stretch.

To recap my evolving Dopey Training Plan, in March I created my Long-Range Plan, back when I struggled to cover 20 miles a week.  The purpose of that plan was to get me ready to start the real Dopey Training buildup in early September. In August I created my Short-Range Dopey Training Plan,  where I mapped out a week-by-week strategy based on the Galloway and Higdon Dopey Challenge Training Plans.  Now I’m updating that plan for the Final Stretch.

For reference, Jeff Galloway’s Dopey Challenge plan can be found here.

And Hal Higdon’s Dopey Challenge plan can be found here.

Below is the update to my plan for the Final Stretch, showing the actual mileage completed for weeks 0-9 (in grey), and the plan for the remaining 9 weeks.

I am feeling beat up and concerned that I need more rest in between long mileage weeks.  I should probably follow more Galloway and less Higdon.  As I move into the final stretch, I might choose to do that and cut back my mileage on recovery weeks.


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