Training Update 18-July-2023
Since returning from our road trip, I have struggled to get back up to the mileage I was doing before the trip. I had some issues with my hip, and then some issues with irregular heart rate. I have been taking each day as it comes, not knowing when I wake in the morning if I will be able to run.
That being said, I have tried to keep moving. On days I cannot run, I walk instead. On days where I wake to the possibility of running, I focused on long and slow distance over speed. By doing that, I have been able to get my “distance on feet”, including walking and hiking, in the 25-30 miles per week range.
I have been taking another look at my overall Dopey Training Plan. It is late July, and the Galloway Plan is into week 4 already. The Higdon Plan is still over a month away from week 1 but starts off with a 13 mile long run and 27 total miles in the first week. I am still in the range to jump into either of those plans. Though now I am thinking that the Galloway Plan, with Jeff’s emphasis on walking breaks, may be more my speed. I am starting to concede that I am in this Dopey Challenge just to finish and beat the Balloon Ladies. My training strategy is shifting from “run as much as I can” to spending more time on long walks and run/walks.
Mental and strategic shift aside, I still have two events remaining this summer: a 10-mile race at the end of July, and a half-marathon at the end of August. I am still targeting those events, just dialing back expectations for how fast I will run them.
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