Training Update 12-April-2023

With Spring finally here, I am transitioning from “let’s fix the hip thing once and for all” to “I just have to deal with this discomfort”.  I do not want to hold back from running any longer.  I am getting tired of listening to myself complain about hip pain and the endless cycle of improvement followed by setback. 

So, April has started with a new attitude and a new approach.  After discussing with my physical therapist, I am cutting back strength training to two days per week, allowing 3-4 days for running and at least one rest day per week.  Strength training days will be dedicated to strength training, no running or cycling on those days.  I think it was just too much and I was not allowing muscles to recover from the strength exercises.


On running days, I am going to focus on HR training and form to improve aerobic capacity and efficiency.  I am going to do whatever I need to from a warm-up, cool-down, stretching and rest perspective to be able to get the miles in.  I suspect that with the warm weather coming, the aches and pains are going to be less inhibiting.


The first two weeks of April have gone well so far.  I ran 16 miles last week and I am on track for 18 miles this week.  Which has me on a good trajectory for hitting 20+ miles by the last week in April per plan.


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