Starting Physical Therapy at the Sports Clinic
I managed to get three PT appointments in before the end of the year, while my out-of-pocket costs were still small. At first, it seemed much of the same, with some basic stretching and exercises. After a couple of visits, however, it became more intense. My Physical Therapist was figuring out where I was weak and imbalanced. The exercises prescribed were similar to ones I had seen from Upright Health and other YouTube channels. I decided to continue with PT into the new year, just less frequently. By mid-January I had an exercise regimen that took me nearly 2 hours to complete and I was starting to feel muscle soreness in muscles I did not know I had.
My Physical Therapist included single-leg strength exercises in my routine. Oddly, they were easier to do on my right side, the side where I was experiencing pain. I struggled on my left side, even though I only had limited soreness on that side. My left leg was noticeably weaker than my right! I also became aware that I was putting more burden on my right side than my left. When I pushed the pace while cycling, I was driving the pedals with my right side and left my left came along for the ride. When going downstairs, I was slamming down on my right foot and was not activating my left side to slow down my momentum. I assume this left side laziness and weakness transferred to many daily activities, including walking and running.
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